
Posts Tagged ‘spirals’

I am so delighted with the pattern my lovely friend sent to me. I am really, really chuffed! Not only because she spent time on figuring the pattern out for my sake, but also because the pattern gives such great opportunity to get rid of yarn ends. Each little spiral doesn’t take a frightful amount of yarn, they’re just perfect for scraps.

I have started knitting a scarf in some spare Kauni Effektgarn I have. I am not quite knitting the pattern in the order it should be, instead I play around with the colours and just hope I have enough yarn…

Progress is easy, each spiral is a quick knit so it’s always possible to make one last one before bedtime and still make it to bed at a respectable hour. That to me, is the ideal knit!

Now I wonder if it would be possible to incorporate these spirals into a hat to match…

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